This space is for anyone and everyone. A space to collaborate, reflect and learn. Topics include; mathematics, Language arts, social connection, internet tools, parent support (Calgary South), community engagement, ADHD/ADD tools, recommended schools and financial options.
Brain Training Tools
Busy Books by Educating Amy for early education
YouTube videos for understanding; check out our channels playlist
Loop earplugs , helping those with sensory challenges around sound.
High-school Financial Literacy by ASPIRE
Math is the #1 subject learners struggle with. We love the videos done by Mathantics.
Calculators are hard to come by when using this online calculator.
Interactive learning is hard to come by. Most of our learners are kinesthetic and visual learners. We use School Yourself to enhance online learning in algebra and trigonometry.
YouTube: InstructaBeats, Move and Groove Math, Moving Time Academy,
Language Arts
Recommended online reading for all ages and topics. Please visit Vooks or Squid Books, Kids vs. Phonics
Videos from a talented teacher in the USA, Mrs. Siravo
Parent support for Calgary sw/se
Psychological & Family Support:
Psychological Assessments:
Mind/Shift Podcast:
Community Engagement
Learner showcase; a new venture to encourage confidence in our learners. Posts will be on our Facebook page.
Financial support
If you’re in need of financial support or are frustrated with your tax return on your child benefit. Check out for more information.
Schools we recommend
Looking for learning mildly outside the box Change Maker School, Third Academy and Connect Charter are wonderful options.
Specialized support; Foothills Academy, Dr. Oakley School, and Calgary Quest School